Are you stressed or worried about your financial situation, and worrying that you'll go down the tube
with the economy? Is financial fear keeping you awake at night? If so, I've got some good news for you. Your financial stress,
fear and worry can actually be your best friends during this recession. Find out the five easy steps, powerfully positive
people are using during this recession, to make their financial fear their friend.
Stress is a huge cause of
sickness. Here are just some of the illnesses caused by stress:
· Depression
· Headaches
Heart problems
· High blood pressure
Irritable bowel syndrome
· Neck and back pain
The list could go on and on.
There is plenty for you fear at the moment due to the financial
earthquake that is currently rippling around the world.
· The
number of people out of work is shooting up.
· Home repossessions are
dramatically rising.
· Bankruptcies are on the up
All this
is causing everyone to feel increasing fearful and stressful at the moment. All this is causing you to feel increasing
fearful and stressful at the moment.
You don't have to be the victim of fear; you can take a proactive, constructive,
and positive attitude to your fear.
How do you do this?
The first thing to realize is that fear
is merely a warning signal to you. Your fear is just a warning to you to get ready to fight or flight, to stand your
ground or run away. Don't do what most people do which is to feel the fear, ignore it as best they can, and move on. This
is exactly what causes stress. If you ignore the fear it just sits in the back of your mind gnawing away at you like a corrosive
Fear is an "action signal," a voice from your subconscious that you must listen to. If you listen to
it and then act on what you have heard your fear will greatly diminish or even go away entirely. You'll also begin to feel
more in control of your situation and feel more confident. So how do you use your action voice of fear? Simple. Use the technique
that powerfully positive people use, and just adopt my easy to use five step, Your Fear Is Your Friend technique
Step One:
Get a pen and paper, or a notebook, and write down what is making you
feel stressed and fearful. Write it down in as much detail as possible.
Step Two:
Then write down next to it, what you'd love the situation to be
like if it was up to you.
e.g. next to "fear of losing your job" you could write "to have job security" or "to feel very
confident that if I lose my job I can quickly get another comparable or better job."
Step Three:
Then for each thing that you've written down that you would
like, just quickly write a few steps that you can take to move closer to having that thing. Make sure that some of those steps
will be quick and easy for you to do, ideally taking less than five minutes and involving minimal effort (I call these my
"getting started steps" as they are great first things to do to get you started).
Step Four:
Just do the first of the "getting started steps" you've written
down. Then do another, and keep working through each item you've written down.
Step Five:
Start again with the first step.
By being active
in tackling the causes of your stress, by using this five step process, you'll find that:
1. Your stress will return a lot less frequently, as you are actively doing those
things that will resolve your stressful situation,
2. And when your stress does return, you'll feel
a lot more confident about being able to successfully cope with it.
I've a challenge for you.
you use this technique for one whole week? If you can, I guarantee that you'll see that it will make a huge positive difference
for you.
I challenge you to get a note book and pen right now, and commit for the next week, to always carry
it around with you and always be working at my five step technique.
Start right now with setting yourself the
target of having the note book with you and following the technique for just the next hour. Then once you done the next hour
successfully commit to doing the next two hours, then three hours and so on. Gradually build up the time until you have achieved
the wonderful goal of using this technique for one whole week. If you achieve this I am confident that you can go through
this recession, and come out of it in much better shape by - using your financial fear as your friend.
We all
suffer fear with regard to our financial situation especially during these very uncertain times. However you don't have to
really suffer, you can suffer much less by taking control of your fear, and using this technique to make your financial
fear your best friend, and use it to make your life much better.
Enjoy using my technique, and please let me
know how you get on.